
This site is intended to provide a broad history of Apple Computers, inc.,from the invention of the Apple I in 1976 to thetroubled times of the present. I have attempted to be as accurate and comprehensive as possible in writing it, and it should be interesting to bothnovice and expert computer users.

Apple's history has been a rocky one, and there have been many ups and downs forthe company started in Steve Wozniak's garage. But there is an underlying themein the history of Apple: innovation. Apple computer has had more industry firststhan any other personal computer company in the world, and it is this innovationthat has always set Apple apart from the norm.

In this site I hopes to explore Apple's history in an objective manner, and to inform about Apple's continuing changes in both its strategy and its productline. To this end the site is designed in two sections: the History section details the actual history of Apple and the people who made it.The Gallery is a comprehensive catalogof all Apple computers ever built.

The Conclusion page will detail my personal thoughts on the history and future of Apple. The Live Opinions page, is a threaded messsage board, designedto let the readers of this site (you) discuss the various issues discussed here, and add theirown take on Apple and its history. I realize that My view of history is not the only one,and want to allow for other viewpoints. There is also a bibliography/links page, which contains a list of other Apple related sites on the Internet. Thank you for taking the time to browse this site, I worked (and continue to work) very hard on it.